The AI Horde

I’m using the AI Horde API to generate the images for The Wibble, it’s a free service, powered by volunteer’s GPUs.

If you just go to (one of it’s user interfaces) and type a prompt, you may think it takes to long to generate images.

To make it work in a more reasonable time, you need to register an API key at and set that key on art bot.

If it’s still too slow, or it doesn’t allow the settings you need, you may need “kudos”, that you doing something that helps the horde. The simplest way is running a worker on your GPU (or the cloud), but you can rate images, or even donate money.

Even if you need to rent a GPU to generate the kudos, it’s still a lot cheaper to rent a GPU for an hour and generate a lot of kudos than keep turning it on and off when you need an image.