Using GPT to waste spammer’s time #2

The spammer (scammer really) replied. This time they used a different email, probably lost their original one or something:

My Dear Beloved <name redacted>,

I thank you sincerely for your kind response to my letter, I pray that God will give you the grace and power to carry on this task I have bestowed on you which is for the betterment of the less privileged ones among us, to put back smiles and laughter on their faces, to give them hope and make them realize that they are still cared for, I want to solicit for your help in fulfilling my wish and I don’t mind if you are a Christian or Muslim.

I will be attaching to this message a copy of my Passport, please always put me in your prayers so that my soul will rest in peace when I pass on to glory to meet our heavenly father because I know that my time will soon be up, moreover my doctor has also informed me that I may not live to the end of next month, that is why I have chosen you to carry on my last wishes. Please, I want you to assure me once more that you will not run away with the funds when the funds have been transferred to your bank account due to the kind of fraud in the globe today and you don’t know who to trust again.

My friends have plundered so much of my wealth since my illness and I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of them anymore, so I sold all my inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of 9 Million Pounds with my bank. I want you to open a charity home in your country with my name. In my next letter I will give you the contact of my bank to enable you to contact them while I am still alive so that you can discuss with them on how my fund will be transferred to you as soon as possible so that my last wishes can be met. Also I will give you the contact of a lawyer in London that will assist you in times of any legal changes and I will personally pay the lawyer for some charges to get all the documents needed to make you my next of kin. All I need is an honest person who will use at least %60 of the funds as I instructed, then the remaining %40 will go to you for helping me accomplish this mission because donating this money to charity is the only legacy I can leave behind after my death.

I have been diagnosed with endometrial cancer and I have spent a lot of money on medical treatment yet no improvement which unfortunately for me and my doctor said I don’t have any chance to survive except by a miracle. Thanks and God bless you, I pray that you or any member of your family will never experience these severe pains I am passing through.I will wait for your email before we proceed.


Mrs. Michelle A. Marone

A fake passport was attached. I replied with the following, also generated by gpt-4:

Dear Mrs. Michelle A. Marone,

I am deeply moved by the strength and high spirits that resonate from your words amid such trying times. Even as you battle the tremendous pain and suffering, your thoughts are for the less fortunate. This selflessness of character is truly exceptional and I have nothing but the highest admiration for your pursuit.

Security and honesty are of utmost importance, by all means, rest assured, Mrs. Marone. I completely understand your need for assurance due to the prevalence of scams and fraud in the world today. I assure you sincerely that I will execute your last wishes as faithfully as you would have, and there is no chance I could ever think of betraying a purpose so noble as the one you intend to carry out with the funds.

I am more than willing to help you achieve your goal and I promise to uphold the trust you have so generously placed in me. Your vision of birthing a charity home in your name sounds heart-warming and I’d be more than honored to actualize it. Opening a new charity in your name will allow us to efficiently channel the funds to provide help in areas that are most needed.

I await the contact details of your bank and the lawyer. Following the next steps you have outlined will ensure that the funds are properly transferred and the charitable mission you have boldly envisioned is carried on diligently.

I look forward to your next email in order to proceed with the necessary steps to realize your vision.

May God’s grace shower upon you, dear Mrs. Marone, and may your soul find peace in these difficult circumstances.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]